Thursday, April 29, 2010

~Dr. Bentley for Governor~

 Dr. Robert J. Bentley is running for Governor to grow the economy and create jobs without increasing taxes or spending. He is pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-second amendment, and believes in smaller, more limited government with more transparency and accountability. He is best known as a successful small businessman who managed the growth of Alabama Dermatology Associates into the largest practice of its type in the Southeast. His peers also selected him as one of the "Best Doctors in America."
Check him out at http:// .

Check him out on Youtube as well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Same-Sex Marriage

This started as a reply to my Aunts comment on facebook, but it ended up being long and I didnt want to "spam" her post. lol

I do believe a line has to be drawn somewhere. If marriage isnt mandated and same-sex marriage is allowed due to homosexuals exercising their national freedom, what happens when two cousins want to marry or a brother and sister, ect? To a lot of people that is along the same lines as same-sex marriage, b/c it goes against nature and the protocol of humanity. I personally couldnt care less if they marry or not, and it wouldnt really affect me either way. God certainly didnt give me the authority to judge their actions. I do understand the political opposition to it though. The great thing is that we are all entitled to our thoughts on the matter and one side speaking negatively about the other doesnt help. Its called hypocrisy. So, I therefore respect your view on the matter, Aunt Jeana. lol ;o)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

oh my..."music" these days...

I seriously feel like I am like 60 stuck in the "dark" ages or something. I have always been a fan of the singer, Ciara. My friend told me to watch her new video for, "Ride." I was expecting a great video with her dancing, b/c she is a fab dancer. Boy, was I wrong. The entire video is vulgar and boarderline obscene. The song is about her "riding" and no, she isnt riding any type of vehicle! It was so repulsive to me that it made me tear up. That is what celebrities are feeding to children all over the world. Casual sex and vulgarity has become the norm. You can show sex of all sorts on daytime television, but you cant even say a prayer in school? You are reprimanded by the media for just wanting a day of prayer, but its ok to show people having sex, doing drugs, ect on television and through music? This is a sad, SAD world. I only pray that people will one day see the light...the light from above, and realize that things need to change.

Here is the video I was talking about so you can see exactly why I felt compelled to write another post today.

Until next time...God Bless

Stand Up for Arizona---Say NO to illegal Immigration! is time to get political! I am pulling my hair out listening to left wing IDIOTS (yes, I finally sait it) saying the it is racial profiling and wrong to ask someone for proof of citizenship! That is 100% ludacris! I have to show my drivers license and Social Security card for numerous things, what is the difference? States are having to take action against illegal immigration bc the White House is far too busy spending billions of dollars on irrelevance!

There is no excuse for trying to solidify illegal immigration. I read an articel from the NY Daily News saying that the Arizona Gov. "signed an immigration bill that spits in Lady Liberty's face." He goes on to say "Most likely, she imagines there is a difference between the Europeans who sought refuge here in times past and Hispanics who dare to cross into her state."

Ok, the Europeans that sought refuge here did it legally! There are many Hispanics and other nationalities that actually LEGALLY apply for citizenship. Actually, I have a friend from England that went through the necessary channels to get a visa. Then you have the ones that slide through our boarders illegally and reap the benefits of this country. They get free healthcare, food stamps, pay NO taxes, and are allowed to stay, why? When are we going to fight against this? How are we going to do it? The only way is to do just what Arizona is doing. I read a few comments to the NY Daily News article that I am going to share with you.

"Generally, I try to read through the comments before posting, but not today. Mr. Daly, in this instance, you are wrong. I won't rehash what I'm confident has already been pointed out: Gov. Brewer's ancestors came here legally. The Arizona law focuses on those who came here illegally. One might argue that the Arizona law uses a jackhammer when a ball peen would suffice, but the focus is still on illegality. But let's cut to the heart of the issue. Immigrants of time gone by came here to better themselves, but they invested themselves in this nation. They came here wanting to be Americans. They built up this nation. They adopted its customs and adapted to its ways. They learned the language of the land - English. Most of the wave of immigrants now don't have those same values. They do want to better their situation, but they work and send much of the income out of this nation. They take from society instead of building up society. They don't adopt America's customs and adapt to her ways. They don't learn the language of the land, but insist on government documents being printed in a multitude of tongues. They have radio and television stations that broadcast in other languages. That is the wedge of division that will ultimately end America."

"Mr. Daly, I can't believe you are comparing Governor Brewer's great-grandmother to illegal immigrants! You yourself point out that she entered America at Ellis Island. So where is the comparison to illegally entering America and Brewer's immigration law? My own relatives entered America at Ellis Island and not through the back door. Sure, come to America, but come to the front door and ask."

"As I see the great majority of people in Arizona are supporting this law. There is a big difference between someone you invite to enter your home and another that breaks in through a window. As for been upset or feeling "violated by having to show proof of citizenship or legal residence in the country", those do not seem to mind anymore than it bothers us to have to show an ID when we board a plane, as long as we avoid a terrorist getting in the plane with us. The protection of the majority should be placed above those who are a threat to our security and just use the services without taking their share of the duties. No country has put up with it more than the USA When over 1,000 New Yorkers sleep on the street to fill 100 jobs why should we hand out jobs to illegal aliens for less money. This like letting our children go hungry to feed a neighbor. This is misplaced charity and taxation without representation."

Read more:

From what I have read at different places, the majority of the people support the Arizona Gov. You just have the liberal media and irrelevant "celebrities" talking against it. Its time the people stand up and say, enough is enough!
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