Sunday, July 11, 2010

~Random Life Updates :o) ~

Wow, I didnt realize how long it has been since I wrote a blog! SO much has changed in my life since the last one. I actually ended up renting out my house the first of June. I have been in a job hiatus for a while and I knew that as long as I stay in Rainsville, Al, I will never be able to put my hard earned degree to use. Unemployment is so bad in Alabama, and the job front is bleak. After talking with a friend, I decided my best bet was to move out of state to find a job. So, Dallas here I come! Of course, its not only the job situation that made me decide to move. Anyone that knows me knows that I havent been happy here since graduation. I havent been happy with my personal life, career, and the small town life in general. There have been so many people who have done their best to try and bring me down, but now its time to show them that I am standing strong now!

I visited Dallas/Fort Worth for a couple of weeks and absolutely LOVED it. I stayed with a girl that will be my future roommate, and I am CERTAIN I couldnt ask for a better roommate that is actually emotionally stable! Good roommates are hard to find these days! lmao..Anyway, I can't really look for a job until I move, but I have a lot of people that are going to help me find something. Literally, in just 2 weeks I have found better and more reliable friends than I had/have in Alabama! lol I move the 1st of August and cant wait!

Until next time, I love you all and God Bless. :o)


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