Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This new health bill is leaving me with steam coming out of my ears and my heart racing, so I figured it would be a good blog discussion. lol ...

I will start off on the positive things about the Bill, b/c there are some good things about it. I am looking at this from a citizen's non-partisanship view. I think it is good that children can stay on their parent's insurance until age 26. Children can currently stay on it during college, I think it is good that they can now stay on a few years after college during their job transition.

I like that insurance companies can no longer turn down someone due to a current illness. It is the ones that are sick that need the benefits of a good health plan. I also believe that if someone gets laid off from a job at no fault of there own and are actively seeking employment, they should receive insurance benefits during that transition phase.

Now, after stating the positives, on to the negatives. First off, an estimated 400 billion is going to be used in this endeavour. Yes, that adds to the already HUGE deficit we already have. We already added a huge amount to the deficit by bailing out huge corporations. With this added to it, the deficit is more than tripled. It took Bush 8 years to double the deficit. It only took Obama a year to more than triple it. To help with this added spending, citizens will have a large increase in taxes and fees starting in 2014. The economy is bad enough as it is. By forcing citizens and small businesses to shell out even more money, it will not help at all!

A second concern of mine is that I will have my hard earned money taken away from me to benefit someone that doesnt work at all. I already stated what I thought about someone that is actively seeking work, but this concern stems from those that just flat out dont want to work. That percentage is a lot higher than those who are looking for work. There are jobs out there. Sure, it may not be one that you want, but the jobs are there. It could be working for McDonalds or Walmart, or even being a waiter at a restaurant. Those are jobs you can have until something better comes along. So, there is NO excuse for receiving a hand out. I will use myself as an example. I currently work for a business that has been hit hard by the economy. I was laid off at one point and had to receive unemployment. Unemplyment is not a hand out b/c it is paid my mine and the business I worked for's taxes. In Alabama, you can receive unemployment benefits for up to 18 months. That is MORE than enough time to find employment. While on unemployment I was still given enough to pay my mortage, household bills, cell phone, and INSURANCE. Yes, I had to sacrifice some things. I had my home phone and internet cut off. I have no garbage pick up at my house. Those were easy sacrifices. It allowed me to still have health insurance. I pay $90 a month. It is not hard to save that much a month. There are no excuses for not having it. Make other sacrifices. So, for everyone that is saying that they cant afford insurance..I call BS. I already pay for illegal immigrants to have healthcare, I dont want to have to pay for everyone else's as well. Especially, when I make sacrifices and take action to pay for my own.

Now, on to the most important point. People are not seeing the big picture. Our personal health and freedom of choice has now been taken away from us! We are now required to buy insurance that is "acceptable" to the IRS. To the people that work and dont take hand outs, that is an added expense that we may have chosen not to have. We are now being forced and if we dont comply we will have huge penalties thrown at us. That goes against what this nation stands for. It defys the US Constitution. That will only be the beginning. If we allow this freedom to be taken away, it wont be long until others will follow.

Socialism- a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

Our healthcare is now being controlled by the government. It is complete socialism.

Communism- a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed

Communism is usually considered to be a branch of socialism. Socialism and redistribution is not American. We are intended to be a free nation. That is referring to FREE from government. You can't be free from a government that involuntarily takes your money and redistributes it.

SO, this healthcare bill is clearly defying the US Constitution. Hopefully, that will be reason enough to do away with the bill. I am sure some will disagree with me. That is your FREEDOM. What will you do when that is taken away from you?

Until next time, GOD BLESS.


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