Wednesday, March 24, 2010

~Sunshine and butterflies :o)~

I always write serious blogs that either make you wanna cry or make you wanna run for political office to change the world. haha..So, I thought I would write a happy blog.

Of course, as I start everything, I have to start my happy blog praising the good Lord. Everyday, I feel closer and closer to HIM. Most days, on my way to work, I have a talk with God. I thank HIM for the day and allowing me to spend another day with the ones I cherish the most. I thank HIM for many, many things, and I say a prayer for everyone. That is just a perfect start to my day. :o) So, it had to be a perfect start to my blog.

First thing I want to talk about are my cousins, Crystal and Michael. They are currently in Hawaii about to adopt a beautiful 4 year old little girl. That will make their 3rd adopted child. Their first little boy was also adopted from Hawaii. As another gift from God, their second child was given to them my a lady that knew she couldnt give him the love and care that he needed. The lady from Hawaii that is giving them her daughter is also pregnant with another baby. She will be giving them him/her as well. To the ones that dont know Crystal and Michael, there are not any better people in the world. Their faith guides their lives and they have reaped all the benefits of living their life for the Lord. They are wonderful parents and I couldnt ask for better cousins. Michael married into the family and I couldnt love him any more if he was "blood." I just wanted to share that with everyone b/c you see things like this in movies and tv, but it happens in real life as well. :o)

Now, on to a more Hollie oriented discussion. DESIGN! I am redecorating my living room and having so much fun in the process! I have had the same decor and color scheme since Junior year! I thought I need a more contemporary look and feel! I decided to go with black furniture. I am using olive green with red accents as my color scheme. Im not sure how I am going to paint the walls yet. Any suggestions? I love to decorate! I wish I had a lot of money to do it right! Last year I decorated my bedroom with a Marilyn Monroe theme. I used white and pink color accents. When I finish my living room I will put up pictures!

Another "project/hobby" I am starting is guitar lessons! I am so excited! I am musically inclined anyway and thought guitar would be fun to learn. I may put together an all girl punk rock group. hahahaha... Applications and auditions will be available shortly. lol

Well, thats all for now! Until next time, God Bless! :o)


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