Sunday, January 31, 2010

~Politics, and your reasoning behind your views..~

Ever since I can remember, I have been a Republican. My dad was die hard, my mom was Independent, and the rest of my family just didnt care either way. The reasonings behind me being a republican were the main things, such as; working hard, paying taxes, fighting for Jesus' word, ect. I still live by those principles. Now days, you have conservative, moderate, liberal. I have been very consevative for as long as I can remember. I loved the Lord and was against anyone that tried to justify an action against Him. When you read that, it sounds very commendable. I have recently thought of the deeper meaning of it all.

Many, well, most republicans, are devout christians that believe in the word of God. Anything that they believed to be against God they would protest against. That is how I always was. I have recently looked deep within myself, my views and my faith. I came to the conclusion that I was a hypocrit! Yep, thats right, a hypocrit! Most of everyone I know are hypocrits! So many people supposedly live by the bible, but they actually only live by parts of it. It is very clear in the bible that no one has the authority to judge, accept the Lord all mighty! Many christians spend their lives dictating and judging everyone else. They never look at themselves or their own actions. That is how I was. I was wrong.

As an example, lets say two christians were sitting at a movie and saw to same sex individuals being intimate. Most "christians" would begin to whisper and judge those people. They would state how they are "going to hell" and that they are living a bad life. Who gave them the power to say who is and is not going to hell? NO ONE. That is not mine nor anyone elses power. Only God can judge. He is the ONLY one that has the right. All of us living in this world is told to love each other, as everyone is your brother or sister. Love is without judgement. Love is selfless and love is kind. Everyone needs to remember that and stop making excuses to "hate" or judge.

Am I still a republican???? Yes, without a doubt. Am I also liberal enough to not judge a person's choice?? Yep. I am. Look deep in yourself and maybe you will agree with me. Until next time...GOD BLESS!!!


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